Let’s get a 5 years younger look.

Private hair styling lesson. ¥2,000-
For people who can’t style by themselves.
-I have to spend time for children or work or housework etc…
-I’m not patient for spending time for styling.
-I don’t know how to do.

As you know, you will look younger, if you have healthy, smooth hair.
I would say 5 years younger, because if it’s 10 years or even more, people may think that she gets herself up too young.
I sometimes feel that it doesn’t much with her. So I think the best to look younger 5 years.

Then I can teach you how to style your hair by yourself at home.
This lesson will take an hour.
If you don’t usually have much time, the styling technique will finish after the 5mins or 10mins. If you have time, it will be in 30mins. So it depends on how many minutes you can spend on your hair style. I’m glad to help you maintain nice hair.
I’m glad to help you maintain nice hair.
Hair salon 712 English speaking hair salon in Shibuya
(For Blonde, Balayage, Brunette, any hair color)
Mail info@712sevenonetwo.com
Phone 03-5787-6384
Instagram hair712yuki
Facebook https://m.facebook.com/hair712yuki/