712 hair salon is chosen Top 10 hair salon on yelp

Hi everyone !
Today we would like to announce you about we are chosen top 10 hair salon on yelp ranking !!
There are so many hair salon at Daikanyama in Tokyo .
Each hair salon concept are difference and it would be difficult for you to find right one .
Yelp is the wold wide platform and so many people using yelp to find restaurants and hair salons .
If you are traveling Japan Yelp is one of your helpful tool to trip Japan nicely !
This is the link of Yelp
By the away
our salon is chosen the best 10 hair salon Daikanyama area in Tokyo

If you are not Japanese your hair texture is completely difference.
Besides if you are thinking about going to get chemical service such as color ,perm you really have to be careful to get those service by Japanese hair salon .
712 International hair salon is the specialist for foreign hair .
We have a lot of experience working on foreign hair and stylist had experience working in oversea .
If you never had Hair service experience in Japan before please visit us to get hair done by us .
Even if you have already been other salon before please try our salon as well !
our service skill is much more better than others !
We take a time for consultation with you about getting know of your hair condition and chemical history . And a style what you like and how you style your hair usually .
This kind of conversation is very important for the result .
If you have any chance please walk in for consultation first !
we can chat about hair would help you to get best style what you like !
We are looking forward to see you soon!