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International hair salon 712 in Tokyo reopens with a new look.

The renovation of the hair salon started on 4 July and will be reborn with a new design in August.

Our salon is an international hair salon that caters to foreigners. The staff speak both Japanese and English, so you can receive treatment without worrying about language barriers. We also have a menu for foreigners, so please consult with us about the treatment to suit your needs.

At our salon, we propose hairstyles that suit you according to your hair quality and bone structure. We also strive to minimize damage to your hair, so those who are concerned about their hair quality can come to our salon with confidence.

Our salon puts customer satisfaction first. Our staff will put their heart and soul into the treatment of your hair to ensure your satisfaction.

To ensure that even foreign residents feel at ease during their visit, our salon offers the following services

  • Information in Japanese and English
  • A menu specially designed for foreigners
  • Treatments that minimize hair damage
  • Services that put customer satisfaction first

We look forward to welcoming foreign visitors to our salon.

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